


Notable Birthdays for April 17


Published in History & Quotes

Those born on this date include:

- American industrialist and financier J.P. Morgan in 1837
- baseball Hall of Fame member Cap Anson in 1852
- Danish author Karen Blixen (Out of Africa), who wrote under the name Isak Dinesen, in 1885
- Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in 1894
- novelist and playwright Thornton Wilder in 1897
- actor William Holden in 1918
- television journalist Harry Reasoner in 1923
- music promoter Don Kirshner in 1934
- musician Jan Hammer in 1948 (age 66)
- actors Olivia Hussey in 1951 (age 63), Sean Bean in 1959 (age 55) and Henry Ian Cusick in 1967 (age 47)
- musician Liz Phair in 1967 (age 47)
- and singer Victoria Beckham in 1974 (age 40).


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