


Other Notable Events, Oct. 12


Published in History & Quotes

In 1492, Christopher Columbus reached America, making his first landing in the New World on one of the Bahamas Islands. Columbus believed he had reached India.

In 1899, the Boers of the Transvaal and Orange Free State in southern Africa declared war on the British. The Boer War was ended May 31, 1902, by the Treaty of Vereeniging.

In 1915, British nurse Edith Cavell, 49, was executed by a German firing squad in Brussels for helping Allied soldiers escape from German-occupied Belgium during World War I.

In 1960, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev removed one of his shoes and pounded it on his desk during a speech before the United Nations.

In 1964, the Soviet Union launched Voskhod 1 into orbit around Earth, with three cosmonauts aboard. It was the first spacecraft to carry a multi-person crew and the two-day mission was also the first flight performed without space suits.

In 1973, U.S. President Richard Nixon nominated U.S. House of Representatives Minority Leader Gerald Ford, R-Mich., for the vice presidency to replace Spiro Agnew, who had resigned two days earlier.

In 1984, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher escaped injury in the bombing of a hotel in Brighton, England. Four people were killed in the attack, blamed on the Irish Republican Army.

In 1991, Iran agreed to withdraw its 1,500 Revolutionary Guards from Lebanon.

In 1992, more than 500 people were killed and thousands injured when an earthquake rocked Cairo, Egypt.

In 1993, New Delhi announced that more than 9,700 people had died in an earthquake the previous month in southern India.

In 1998, University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard died, five days after the 21-year-old gay man was beaten, robbed and left tied to a fence.

In 1999, the elected government of Pakistan was overthrown in an apparently bloodless military coup. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and several other leaders were arrested.


In 2000, 17 sailors were killed when an explosion rocked the U.S.S. Cole as it refueled in Yemen. U.S. President Bill Clinton blamed the attack on accused terrorist Osama bin Laden.

In 2002, a bomb exploded near two crowded discos on the Indonesian island of Bali, killing 202 people.

Also in 2002, the terror continued for Washington area residents as the weeklong death toll from a mysterious sniper reached eight.

In 2003, Uganda said its army rescued more than 400 children held captive by rebels in a remote village north of Kampala.

In 2004, a report of the CIA's top weapons investigator said Saddam Hussein thought U.S. officials knew he had no weapons of mass destruction before the invasion.

In 2005, newly released documents charged that the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Los Angeles allegedly shielded priests accused of sexual abuse by moving them from one parish to another.

Also in 2005, a lynch mob of about 500 Indonesians -- on the third anniversary of the Bali terror bombings -- stormed the Denpasar prison where three convicted bombers were held but were turned back by police.

In 2006, a London man admitted helping plan terrorist attacks in Britain and the United States, including at the New York Stock Exchange.

In 2007, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to publicize a man-made climate change and explain how to counteract it.

Also in 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the United States against installing missile defense facilities in Poland and the Czech Republic.



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