Will God help me with my cancer diagnosis?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I’ve been diagnosed with cancer and it’s scary. Many friends have gone through this and I’ve been a cheerleader for them and tried to get them to see that God may be doing a special work in their lives. Now that I am facing it, my own advice doesn’t seem to have much power. It makes me feel ...Read more
Should I pray that God will give me courage to give up and just go to Heaven?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I struggle with being happy. I find it easy to blame my turbulent childhood. The memories haunt me and I can’t seem to overcome them. I find it easier to pray that God will give me courage to give up and just go to Heaven where I can be happy there. No one on Earth would even miss me. What about ...Read more
Am I being unfaithful to the Lord by not evangelizing during work hours?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Some of my Christian friends who work with me criticize and persecute me for not evangelizing during work hours. It doesn’t seem right, but I am aware that others are watching how I live. Am I being unfaithful to the Lord? – W.E.
A: While Christians in our nation have not had to endure ...Read more
Is it true that atheists are simply people who do not believe in a real God?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Is it true that atheists are simply people who do not believe in a real God? – R.G.
A: Atheists say they do not believe in God at all, while an agnostic is not sure whether or not God exists. Skeptics attack the Bible and retreat in confusion, agnostics scoff at its teaching but are unable to ...Read more
Is it true that Scripture presents all angels as male?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I love angels but someone put a pin in my balloon and said that angels in Scripture are described as male. Is this true? I’d rather be confronted by an angelic lady! – M.A.
A: Angels crisscross the Old and New Testaments, being mentioned in the masculine sense. Hebrews 12:22 speaks of “an ...Read more
Is there a similarity between following Christ and believing in religious rituals?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: My wife and I met at church, married at church, and raised our family at church. After 20 years, she has turned to another faith. She says all religions are the same and we are all people of faith, but adds that Christianity depends more on crutches than intellect. There’s clearly no similarity ...Read more
Is it wrong to look on the bright side of life when things go bad?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Is it wrong to look on the bright side of life when things go bad? My friends say I live in a fantasy world but it seems like we need to try harder to see that good can even come out of bad things. Is that fantasy or hope? – F.H.
A: Some equate hope as a fanciful wish. But the word explodes with ...Read more
Does society know that there is no such thing as retirement bringing a time of rest and leisure?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I’ve been told that the “golden years” are known as the years following retirement – the time to enjoy the fruit of one’s labor. When I retired my life fell apart. Does society know that there is no such thing as retirement bringing a time of rest and leisure? It’s a time of sickness ...Read more
Why Isn't America in danger of going the way of other "great and powerful" nations?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Is America in danger of going the way of other once great and powerful nations? When I read world history and see the fall and rise of the nations, I can’t help but wonder how our nation will be judged in the future. – J.N.
A: While America has been the most generous nation on Earth toward ...Read more
What does it mean to be Spirit-filled, and how can a person seek this out and find its guiding light?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: What does it mean to be Spirit-filled, and how can a person seek this out and find its guiding light? – S.F.
A: The tides of civilization have risen, the courses of nations have been changed, and the pages of history have been brightened by people who have been filled with the Spirit of God.
...Read more
Is the real battle in life the unseen world?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I’m beginning to realize the Christian’s battle is not with other people but rather unseen powers. I’m asking God to give me more love for others because many people don’t fully understand that the real battle in life is in the unseen world. – U.W.
A: The world, the flesh, and the devil ...Read more
Why can’t people stop "the insanity" and start all over again?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: In spite of the incessant search for world peace, we are watching our country – and the world – "implode" before our eyes. It’s actually embarrassing to watch the governments of the world cry peace when none of them want it at all. Why can’t people just STOP the insanity and start all over ...Read more
Does the Bible speak of this; if so, how does it apply?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I’m doing an internship in a recovery program as an addiction therapist. I came from an abusive home myself because of alcoholic parents and have a special tenderness for those who are caught in this horrible trap. I’ve specialized in teaching the importance of temperance. At first I thought it ...Read more
Should I feel guilty because I want to live life as long as possible to explore all I missed while raising my family?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I’m a Christian and retired. I anticipate great years ahead, but some of my friends make me feel guilty because I want to live life as long as possible to explore all I missed while raising my family. They say I need to talk about Heaven more because it will be more glorious. Who’s right? – E....Read more
Is it too overprotective to keep children from the loss of loved ones, funerals, and the mourning that is a part of life?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: My sister’s teenage children were kept from her funeral. Is it too overprotective to keep children from the loss of loved ones, funerals, and the mourning that is a part of life? – D.F.
A: Geoffrey Gorer, an Englishman, began a study of the change in attitudes toward death and mourning as a ...Read more
Am I successful or a total failure?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: We’re taught that reaching our goals is what life is all about and that if we don’t check off our wish list, we haven’t been successful. I’ve done everything I set out to do – and I’m in great despair. I have a lot of money, and even after retirement I’m young enough to do whatever I ...Read more
Is anger inherited or learned? Didn’t God show anger?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Is anger inherited or learned? Didn’t God show anger? – A.I.
A: Every human being is capable of demonstrating anger. Think of a tiny baby who exhibits fits of temper before they can even talk. A toddler can fly into a fit of anger and upset the entire household. Husbands and wives react out of ...Read more
How do we convince our foolish young people to vote responsibly?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Our country is in serious trouble and as the election approaches, there may be a chance for a change, but if our young people do not learn the importance of being responsible citizens, what future do we have in America? – T.A.
A: It may surprise many adults to learn that most young people want ...Read more
Is our food-obsesses society sin or simply indulgence?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: There’s a lot said today about young girls and anorexia, but I don’t hear a lot about gluttony, and we have a population seriously overweight – me included. Is this sin or simply indulgence? – O.E.
A: Anything that consumes us, anything that causes us to think of nothing else, is sin. God ...Read more
Why should we worry about Heaven while we’re here on Earth?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Why should we worry about Heaven while we’re here on Earth? – H.N.
A: The Bible doesn’t tell us everything we’d like to know about Heaven, but the Bible does tell us everything we need to know about Heaven while we are here on Earth. We should believe what the Bible says ...Read more