


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

Wow! Week 11 of Chess Summer School. Time flies. This week we’re going to look at attacking a castled king. Our firs example is from an Olympiad in 1933 where “Mickey” Mikenas topples then world championship contender Salo Flohr. Can you match Mickey?

- Solution: Long horizontal queen or even rook moves are often overlooked: 1.Nxa7+ Bxa7 2.Qa3 Black Resigned because he saw that protecting the bishop didn't work, nor did retreating it. 2...b6 2...Bb8 3.Qa8 Qc6 (3...Qf5 4.Qxb7#) 4.Qxb8+ Kd7 5.Rxb7+ Ke8 6.Re1+ Ne4 7.Qe5+ Qe6 (7...Kf8 8.Qe7+ Kg8 9.Qxf7#) 8.Qxg7 Rf8 9.Bh6 Qxh6 (9...Qd6 10.Rxe4+ Qe6 11.Qxf8#) 10.Rxe4+ Qe6 11.Rxe6+ fxe6 12.Re7# 3.Rxb6 Bxb6 4.Qa8#


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